Share your Pago Pics with us!
We love hearing from our customers, so whether you're enjoying a bottle of Pago at home, over ice at the bar with friends, on a sunny beach or an overseas city break we want to see your Pago themed photos. Every month we reward one lucky customer with a full case of Pago, just for sharing their photos with us.
Could next month's winner be you?

Here's how it works:
Take a photo or record a video that includes Pago and upload it to your social media.Tag us and include #PagoPics on every photo so we are sure not to miss them.Here's where you can tag us:
Facebook: PagoPremiumFruitJuice
Instagram: @pagofruitjuice
TikTok: @pagofruitjuice

Terms and conditions:
#PagoPics competition entries are open to UK residents only, as prizes cannot be shipped overseas. By tagging us in your photo you are giving us permission to share your photo via our social media channels and here on our website.Enter as many times as you like. Every month one entry from the previous month will win a case of Pago Fruit Juice, no cash alternative.